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How can you help?

How can you help?

1. Make a significant difference with $100,000!

Rosebud – affordable housing donation opportunity

In conjunction with other donors, funders and land holders, Peninsula Community Housing has the opportunity to provide many high quality moveable dwellings on various sites around Rosebud and Capel Sound.

Your donation of $100,000 will purchase,

  • one code compliant moveable dwelling (similar to image below) to be placed on an existing donor site in Rosebud, and
  • a professional tender proposal to the Mornington Peninsula Shire who are wanting to develop many affordable dwellings across multiple Council owned sites, and
  • all the permit submissions to place another four moveable dwellings around Rosebud and Capel Sound, with the dwellings and the land already being offered by local donors and philanthropists.

If you would like to be a part of this unique proposal then please respond via email using this link to Peninsula Community Housing.

Typical moveable dwelling

2. Donations

We are grateful for your trust and generosity.

Account name: Peninsula Community Housing Inc.

BSB: 633 000

Account Number: 172 874 174

Peninsula Community Housing ABN 68 481 911 300 is a registered charity as a Public Benevolent Institution with endorsement as a Deductible Gift Recipient.

3. Funding

We are seeking funding from a range of private and corporate investors. If you are interested in funding a Peninsula Community Housing Project please contact us below: 


Russell Joseph


4. Volunteer your backyard or farmyard

Contact Russell Joseph: Ph 0414 398 586 to find out more about how you can help.

5. Rental Property

If you have a rental property you would like to offer as a well managed shared rental then please contact us.

6. Vacant Land

If you have vacant land and would like to investigate options for placing a tiny home or for a more expansive development then please contact us.

7. Subletting your property

If you have a vacant property you’d like to sublet out to someone in need, contact PCH to find out more about how you can help.